Friday, January 08, 2010

orange ya glad

This week just has been one of those weeks....ya know right? Today is Friday and I have been working really hard on this weeks Feature Friday. I have been soo excited about it, and really wanted to show you. But didn't get done....I was mad at myself, my husband had to reassure me last night that you had no idea what I was up to and wouldn't mind it next week. I still feel like I didn't pull through, so...I blame the sheep, whenever I look out the windows they are starring at me. It's starting to get creepy.... Also I just logged my calories for yesterday, and lunch @ panda express was 1500 calories...I love you sweet and firey chicken, but it's just not worth it, we are over, no more! Today I will eat just salad...*sigh* Luckily even though I ate the low mein noodles and blew my calories for the whole day, and didn't get my post done, George keeps me smiling and sane (lucky for those dang sheep!) He was so funny eating his orange for breakfast. And yes the christmas tree is still up...please don't judge.

Throwing his head back and laughing.

He does this after he sucks the juice out of the orange wedge and wants the skin out of this mouth. Boys are gross!

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