Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Babyboy #2 was measuring big at his doctors visit. So we got to have another ultrasound. He was moving and kicking the whole time. He currently is 3 pounds and 17 inches long. Which is 2 weeks bigger than expected.

Now let me introduce my new obsession to listen to...
They are awesome. dear husband...I want to become like them.
Quit your job...
I will chop my hair...
You start growing a beard...
Lets lock ourselves in a room and make music all day.
And most likely make thousands of dollars on Youtube!
Too bad I can't sing...*sigh*
I wish I was as hip and cool as this couple. Check them out!


Jake said...

Ok, i'll start that beard right now... ;)

Heidi Sue the Mommy crafter said...

You have got me obsessed with them too! They are amazing. And when I loose a bunch of weight I'm so cutting my hair like hers! I love it! And I'm excited about your baby. Sounds like he'll be born early!

Lindsay said...

I had the same EXACT thought Heidi! It's so cute! I'm not sure it will look great one me, but I really want it! I guess I better get running! :)

Natalie said...

Thanks for sharing that awesome musical find! :)