Tuesday, April 05, 2011

birthday denial


As you might have known I turned 24 last month. I am having mixed feelings about it. Mostly I am in denial because I didn't get my to-do list before I turned 24 done. I got a bunch finished. But not as many as I would have liked.

1. Have a yard sale(Made 150 bucks on our junk)
2. Lose 50 pounds (I ended up loosing 30)
3. Paint a picture (Can't believe I didn't do this one, kicking myself!)
4. Find the best frosting recipe (found a bunch that claim to be the best, tried them and I don't think they are...the hunt continues)
5. Paint my piano (I think red!) (totally didn't do this one. Mainly because I have to move the piano from my parents house to mine, ugh, lots of work. And I still cant decide on a color)
6. Get a chemical peel (bought a groupon for this, so it's paid for, I just have to go!)
7. Have more than my mother read my blog on a daily basis (thanks everyone, for making this one possible!)
8. Find a dozen amazing recipes
9. Start a Cake Website
10. Read the Book of Mormon cover to cover (didn't finish)
11. Have a big Fall Party (couldn't do this one, because jack was in the NICU, and then was on lockdown)
12. See the Grand Canyon with my mom
13. Learn how to airbrush
14. Unpack all the moving boxes (can't believe I didn't finish this one. I think there are still 5 boxes left)
15. Plant a garden
16. Have a giveaway on my blog
17. Make at least 12 wonderful cakes
18. Start blogging (or a blog) about my birds (I'm making a section on my new blog, does that count?)
19. Make 2 quilts or baby blankets
20. Furnish and decorate each room in the house. (Only 3/4 made it through some of the rooms, I guess this one is gonna take another year to finish)
21. Go Swimming (haven't been in 10 years) (Our condos clubhouse just opened the pool this month. Now I just need to go buy a swimming suit)
22. Don't eat ANY fast food! (except salads and subway) (did this for a month, then failed MISERABLY)
23. Send 5 surprise gifts (really really wanted to do this one, I think I ended up sending 2)
And the unofficial #24. Blog about each goal!!!! (yeah, failed at this one too, blogged about some)

Crappy feeling when I only fully completed half of them. Ugh...
Working on next years list.
I blame me doing so poorly on being pregnant. And taking care of a baby on oxygen.
And maybe a dash of laziness thrown in there.


pebble said...

I think you should make a list of 24 amazing things you did...let me start it for you...1. Had an brand new beautiful AMAZING baby boy! Is there anything more amazing than this? It is awesome.
2. You make AMAZING wedding cakes.
One the day after having the before mentioned amazing boy.
3.Made many many other AMAZING cakes including one lemon strawberry cream one for my birthday that still makes my mouth water.
4.Take care of two of the funniest cutest boys I've ever ever known 24 hours a day 7 days a week-that is such and accomplishment!
Now just add the ones you did, plus a few more and you have way more than 24 awesome things. YOU are amazing.

Steph said...

oh don't be so hard on yourself :)
Look at that little fatty JackJack! That's enough accomplishment for a full year I think. And by the way, thanks so much for sending me those jammies and diapers when Harper was born. They were perfect and exactly what I needed at that time! Have a great 24th year!

Lindsay said...

Thank you Mom and Stephanie! I really shouldn't be hard on myself. I had a great year. I am so blessed to have my boys. And so glad Jack is a fatty and now healthier than all of us.
Thanks! It really has been a great year.